
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Bitches Brew

Nick and Tony and I were having coffee this morning and Nick posed a hypothetical question. "If you could be at any recording session in history, which one would you pick? I'll make it easier for you, pick three." Nick is a hot bluegrass mandolin player. I asked Nick his personal choices and he said the Derek and the Dominos Layla Sessions with Duane Allman, he also mentioned the Rounder 44 bluegrass session and the epic Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Presley session at Sun. Then he snuck a fourth in with Tom Scholz's Boston album, the first one that he produced at home. Tony volunteered the Aretha Franklin Atlantic Muscle Shoals recording, I'm assuming the one where everybody was nasty and drunk. Somebody suggested any Motown Funk Brothers session 1961-66. I threw a couple out there and then took a couple back. First was on the roof with the Beatles for Get Back. Second on the roof with the Airplane for Ballad of you and me and Pooneil. I guess I like the roof. Third would be Bitches Brew, Miles Davis groundbreaking album which was both loved and hated at the time of its release, a legendary deviation for the beebop master. Such a hard choice, would have loved to hear Stravinski conduct and record Fantasia with the Philadelphia Orchestra. I think I will drop the Airplane and sub in my favorite live album of all time, John Mayall's The Turning Point. Still revelatory for me. Tough question. Someone was talking the other day about the legendary performances of Streisand at the Lion or Bon Soir at the age of 19. Your picks?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wot? No Dead?
For me it would have to be
-Hendrix Voodoo Chile - seem to have been plenty of people in the studio. The guy that keeps shouting Yeah.. (Stevie Winwood’s finest hour)
-Stones Exile.
- Lee Perry, maybe Heart of the Congos or anything from that period