
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, November 19, 2018

Qui vivra verra

Sometimes you receive a gift from the heavens. I have fortunately had many such wonderful gifts in my life. In a very short time I will be departing on an expenses paid trip to the French Riviera.

I am delighted to have been asked by dear friends to assist in the shipping and appraisal of the contents of an estate in Bormes les Mimosas.

Although much of my time will be consumed by work, the food in the area is very acclaimed and the region is known for its florid scenery and delightful climate. I am sure that I will have time to take a few snapshots and have a good meal or two.

If you have been to Le Lavandou or Bormes les Mimosas I would love to hear about your personal experiences in the region.


Anonymous said...

You lucky duck!!! Have a wonderful working vacation! Fabulous!
And on the “you can’t make 100% of the people happy....”
Screw them. You are cool as you are - with or without their approval.

Unknown said...

Bon appetit!

Wicki said...

I am happy for you and they are lucky you will be helping them also. Bon voyage!

Anonymous said...

Don't leave anything in you car. I lost all my camera gear, hidden from view, within 30 minutes of locking the car.
Lake Tahoe

Blue Heron said...

Thank you so much, Jim. Great advice.

Ken Seals said...

This might be the wrong season to enjoy seeing all the topless women on the beaches. Great food will have to suffice.