
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Up and away!

Yesterday, Leslie and I went up in a balloon for our birthdays. We left from a spot near the La Bajada dip. Traveled to a spot near Rancho Bernardo, We had both done ballooning before but it has been a while for me, actually since Africa. Nothing quite like it.

We watched the balloons get ready, went through some pre-flight consultation with the pilot, who was basically an a-hole with no sense of humor.

Some people, no matter how competent, should be kept far away from the public. But I digress.

We had a great time in spite of Captain Bligh.

Followed a lovely route over the San Dieguito River Valley. Perfect Southern California day. Luscious weather, balmy, didn't even need a sweater. Shirt sleeve.

Quiet, peaceful beautiful. Even saw a bunch of deer.

It is wonderful to be both over and under the clouds at the same time. Hazy day but still fabuloso.

We were hoping to catch the full moon but missed it by about a half an hour.

Needless to say, my sweetheart was very happy. As was I. Although at one point I found out later, the pilot kicked her leg, purposefully. It is a good thing I didn't hear about it at the time or it is possible that we would be piloting the balloon back solo and I have never had any past instruction in the matter.

I would do it again, even with this company, but not with this particular pilot. He tried his best to ruin our special day but he never succeeded!

We ended up having lobster, crab and shrimp rolls at Lobsters West at the Lumberyard. Great way to finish our celebration.

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