Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Hopelessly helping

Sitting at the computer this afternoon, processing the latest Google iteration and cookies and privacy and the like and I had this question pop into my head:

Am I shaping this technology or is it shaping me?

And any honest person these days that is connected to the internet would have to say it's the latter. Mcluhan is sitting on a cloud chuckling somewhere. Oh wait, my phone is telling me that I have a notification. Maybe it is a like? I am having to fight a Pavlovian urge to spit.

I am starting to watch the excellent Amazon Prime series Electric Dreams.

Writers have created ten episodes loosely based on the work of the great Philip K. Dick.

I have watched three episodes so far. I think it is really well done. Some great cast members, so far Bryan Cranston, Anna Paquin, Terrence Howard and more. Look forward to a binge.

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