
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Faces in the crowd

By my normal standards, I hardly did any photography this trip to New Mexico. Not exactly sure why but wasn't feeling it.

My re-entry has proved difficult. I am having a hard time getting anything done putting my shop together but I have been pushing it really hard the last several weeks and the body doesn't seem to want to move.

Might take a day off.

Anyway, hardly took any people shots or landscapes either for that matter.

Did go up to Randall Davey one day for birds one day and stopped at the Cañon on the way back but I'm not happy with much in the way of anything.

Nevertheless here are some people shots from the shows that I did manage to grab.

stage iV

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great shots. They make me want to know all about them. Especially the "finger" guy!