
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Portland Expo Antique and Collectible Show

Really looking forward to visiting and exhibiting at the Portland Expo Show later this month.

It is billed as America's largest antique show.

It will be my first time showing at Portland, which is always fun, and I am about due for a road trip.

I did see the Grateful Dead and McGuinn, Clark and Hillman with David Bromberg at the Speedway near the venue in the late 1970's. Lovely show.

Hope my northwest friends will stop by and say howdy. I know that it is a beer town but hope that they have some decent vodka too.


Unknown said...

Hi Robert! Looking forward to seeing you at the Expo show... You need to know the show dates you have for the show are incorrect. The dates are July 14 & 15, with early buying and setup on July 13.

Take care and have a safe trip up here!!

Mark Humpal

Blue Heron said...

Thanks Mark for the heads up!

Jeff Nichols said...

Good luck at the show, Robert. You're due. BTW, I've really enjoyed your latest torrent of pictures. They're amazing. Ciao...