
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Hillbilly neighbor

I don't watch much television. Why, when I can watch the always entertaining and continuing saga of Billy, the hillbilly neighbor from hell on Youtube? Seriously, watch at least four or five of these, they are really addictive. There are a whole bunch. I had to subscribe.


Sanoguy said...

Classy, really classy, BH!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this Robert. I really like these videos of Billy, she is so entertaining. The lady that is filming all this is amazingly kind and tolerant and she seems to want the best for Billy. That is just so sweet. Btw, next time you pass thru Humboldt drop me a line, I'd love to take you out for a meal or something, catch up on old times. It looks like you really enjoyed the Oregon/Nor Cal coast. Some really great photography. Thanks. BV.

Blue Heron said...

BV - I was in McKInleyville, thought about you, don't have any way to contact you. You disappeared from Facebook, last sighting, last November. Told BP I thought you were a gonner. Glad that you are okay and still reading.

Anonymous said...

Please, let me state for the record, that any rumors or scuttlebutt or chit chat amongst old friends to the effect that I am in fact a "gonner", as you so ineliquently describe me is a grotesque and egregious exaggeration. I may not be as spry as I once was, but I do still in fact get around just fine thank you very much!
Ha, I'm just kidding around. I can't help it, still a smartalec. I'll PM you my number, won't miss each other next time. Had to quit FB, too much wast of time. I enjoy the good ol blog tho, keep it up your doin good man!

Anonymous said...

I just had a thought. I was wondering that when you and BP were discussing me in the past tense, did the two of you speak kindly of me?? I'm curious about that. Would have liked to have been there Tom Sawyer style. Ha!

Blue Heron said...

no negativity from either direction. text # to 760-445-0595

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