Sunday, June 3, 2018

Image consultant

Got this letter from Mike today:

BH>>> I think you should post the photo I took of you on the Blast…. I am sure so many people may think of you as a sour puss… you have such a nice smile / look in that photo I think folks would like to see it! Just a suggestion!!

Here goes nothing. Do I seem like less of an asshole?* Thanks for the help, Mike.

* rhetorical question, please don't feel the need to respond.


  1. I never thought you were a sourpuss, just another brilliant person distressed by the ignorance and folly of the world.

    BTW, did you notice that the raptor in the picture above is banded?


  2. Great pic! I know your followers will be pleased with your look! You were in your “happy”place!

  3. The man has many faces, there are 47 different Robert Sommers. I probably know 30 of them [maybe?] Photo looks like # 23.

  4. Looks just like you to me!
