
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Woman of a thousand years - Danny Kirwan

Like many of you, I have wide musical tastes. I have found that there is literally no decade in history that has not produced some redeeming music or artwork, you just have to look around a little bit.

But why does one genre resonate in society and another lay fallow in the field? I was thinking about this the other day, we might dig a little Tommy James and the Shondells now and then but would you play the Fifth Dimension today in front of mixed company without worrying about ridicule and censure?

We toss a lot overboard. Prison work songs of the 1920's are cool but in twenty years who will remember the folky stuff like Sweet Betsy from Pike or Burl Ives? Jimmie crack corn? Steven Foster, Woody Herman, Wayne Raney, The Delmore Brothers? Civil War era music or Dixieland. Al Hirt, Herb Alpert, Gary Puckett, the Rotary Connection, the list of musical casualties goes on and on.

I went over to Kips today to listen to music in a room with equipment so good that it ranks up there with Kerry B. for best sound I have ever heard. It was definitely guilty pleasure day, Jim Croce, Nina Simone, Tumbleweed Connection, Herbie Hancock Headhunters, Aretha, Van Ronk, Fred Neil, Gene Clark, Gram Parsons and the Burritos, early Tull.

And great material by early middle period Fleetwood Mac. Love Kirwan and Welch. Love their pipes, love their playing. Jeremy Spencer too. Wasn't big on Burnette, Vito, Mason (in this context), Buckingham. Green was the king but that goes without saying. Looking forward to Campbell and Finn, the next incarnation. Last time we saw them they were so commercial and atrocious, hope they can get it up again.

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