
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, June 1, 2018

Los Jilgueros

Matilija poppy
When I was done at the office yesterday afternoon I decided to go down and take a walk around the Los Jilgueros Preserve south of town.

I have been walking a lot down there lately. Always something wonderful to see and just a great place to stretch your legs and get some fresh air, away from the turmoil and hubbub.

Los Jilgueros is owned by the Fallbrook Land Conservancy, for your benefit. A 46 acre preserve, its presence ensures a bit of open space for people and critters.

You can see a variety of native flora and fauna there. Yesterday I watched a crow mob a red tailed hawk, saw yellowthroats, finches, ducks, woodpeckers, all sorts of lovely wildflowers.

The Fallbrook Land Conservancy is one of the best organizations around. It is run by volunteers who work hard and selflessly to protect our dwindling open space and back country. I believe that they now have at least twelve separate preserves around Fallbrook.

We went to their annual party last year at the Palomares House and I remember thinking that it was the best possible cross section of people in our town, cut across caste, creed and class, just fabulous, committed folks who care.

We are lucky to have the Fallbrook Land Conservancy and they exist through your donations. I encourage you to send them whatever  you can afford  so that they can continue their fine work for our community. Become a member! Donate!

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