
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, June 11, 2018

Century mark for Mike Port

My buddy Mike (Marvin) Port turns 100 this week.

The lovely Leslie
We went to the surprise birthday party for him held at Live Oak Park Sunday.

It was wonderful, a catered affair. Food and company, fabulous.

Sharon and Bruce

Many folks attended. Old Time Fallbrook. Saw a lot of old friends and faces I had not seen in ages. Some that I have been lucky enough to see almost every day. Like Bruce.


Mike and I have been friends for over thirty years.

Mike sold men's clothing at his store Port's in Fallbrook for many years and he extended credit to those that could not afford to pay. A member of the tribe, he has always been beloved here. Did a lot for our town. Sharp as a tack, he still has it all going at one hundred! He held court, joked with all his pals, celebrated the day.

Happy birthday, Mike!

Another Fallbrook centenarian, Marion Clemmons
Vern, Reneé, Jose and Carmen

Bobbie loves to have her picture taken.

I started to come to Fallbrook about 1976 to play basketball at the boy's club.
The guy with his arm out, Tom Witt, ruled the floor.
The always gorgeous Shelby and father Jim

Casey and Mike

Ed and Larry
Thanks to those who put the party on and thanks for the invitation. What a guy!

let me tell you something...


Emergefit said...

Very cool. His name came up at Rotary last week, and I had to confess that I never heard of him until then. What nice turnout.

Blue Heron said...

It really was. Hard to shoot in cross light but I did the best I could.