Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May day

The golden state killer thing is a little freaky. I imagine what it must be like for his three daughters to now know what kind of monster their father was. I was also struck by his worry when he was apprehended fort the roast cooking in the oven. The detectives said that they would take care of it. See banality of evil. Purportedly liked fishing and assembling model airplanes.

Re: The girl in Utah who is getting flack for cultural appropriation for wearing a Chinese style dress to a prom. Are we out of our frigging minds?

And under pressure from activists, Starbucks will no longer hold bias training for anti semitism.
“The ADL is CONSTANTLY attacking black and brown people,” Women’s March organizer Tamika Mallory posted on Twitter. “This is a sign that they are tone deaf and not committed to addressing the concerns of black folk.” Mallory came under fire earlier this year after attending a Feb. 25 speech by Louis Farrakhan in which the Nation of Islam leader said “the Jews have control over" the FBI.
Cat Brooks, the co-founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project, told ABC News that she agreed with Mallory, saying, "You can't be a piece of an anti-bias training when you openly support a racist, oppressive and brutal colonization of Palestine.
And since we are on the Yid thing, look who is the leading Republican Senatorial candidate in California. Patrick Little. Who has called for a government free from jews. Now at 18% in the polls. Blowing up in the Central Valley.
Little has said he believes Jews should have no say over white non-Jews and wants to see them removed from the country altogether. On Gab, a social media site with large swaths of extremist users, he argues that the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, whose proprietors praise Adolf Hitler and have appeared to call for acts of violence against Jewish people, is too Jewish.
“I propose a government that makes counter-semitism central to all aims of the state,” he wrote on that website. … He argued for forbidding “all immigration except of biological kin, where no person of Jewish origin may live, vacation or traverse.”
And jews caused the holocaust because of their bad behavior, at least according to the leading Palestinian diplomat.

You know feedjit, that little tool I had on the blog who let us all know who was reading and where from? Gone. Company went out of business. Let me know if you dig up a good substitute...

The whole MeToo movement is a bit scary. Some actions clearly cross the moral and ethical line but others seem to be fairly harmless and rooted in basic male biology. Was talking to a woman the other day who said that the truth is that many women want to be pursued. That pursuit will soon be criminalized without expressly signed waivers...

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