Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Blast endorsements

North County deserves better leaders than Duncan Hunter and Darrell Issa. As the San Diego Union said recently, anyone but Hunter. He needs to worry about staying out of jail, not running my district. Treated the job like his personal piggy bank.

Luckily we have some excellent choices:

Josh Butner in the 50th Congressional District. An ex navy Seal with 23 years in the armed forces serving his country, right on the important issues.

Colonel Doug Applegate in the 49th. Seasoned, experienced. Ready for action. Ready to take on the important battles in Washington.

San Diego needs a breath of fresh air, not more corrupt representation. Vote for a needed change.


Emergefit said...

Just cracking open the ballot tonight. Hate. Hate. HATE Hunter. Bye bye...

Sanoguy said...

Butner is a good guy. I have become personally acquainted with him. Quality person! Vote for Josh!

peacenik said...

i'm a 61 year old white guy with deep roots in north county. agreed, we need better, but here in north county (where we are frequently rocked to sleep to the sound of carpet bombing and howitzer blasts rattling windows) one has to question how career military white guys equates to breath of fresh air. that air smells like gun powder and scorched flesh to me. that said, i see better options out there for progressive leaning voters (and better uses of tax dollars than more ordnance).

personally, i'm liking campa-najjar for the 50th, and jacobs for the 49th. now they're some fresh air to my nostrils. breathe deep. hold it. exhale…

meanwhile force hunter and issa to try to exist on media-cal for healthcare. that'll teach 'em.


Hudgins said...

Might wish to look at Butner a bit closer.

Blue Heron said...

Appreciate all the good comments. I think we need to win the elections, the districts lean right. These guys offer us our best chance to do so, in my opinion.

Sanoguy said...

I agree with you, BH>>> The 50th District is a great big district that is 60% R, 30% D, 10% I... is Butner the perfect candidate? Maybe not, but a guy like this, in my humble opinion, has a chance to win in this district. Unfortunately, a guy like Campa-Najjar just won't be elected in a general election in this district... just won't happen. We need someone who can go toe to toe with Hunter.