
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, May 21, 2018


Northern Mockingbird

I had a good show in Santa Barbara. Not going to solve all my problems but I am making incremental progress. Met some new clients, made a few sales and things went a little better than expected. Could be much worse. Always.

I didn't get to go out and explore much this trip like I usually do, set up took a little longer than expected. I found that I have developed an allergy to my packing materials, both setup and pack up sent me into extensive sneezing fits. I believe that it is the microfibers in the "depends type" wraps that I use to pack with. I bought some benadryl which helped a little. I am not sure that there is a good substitute out there.

I stayed at the Motel 6 in Carpenteria, the only motel I can afford in the entire area at a still hefty $135 a night. Not terrible if you can do without the little things like kleenex and shampoo. And don't mind the brick like mattress. Lovely warning sign on the pool. Really makes you want to go take a dip. I didn't.

At least one of my clients lost their home in the tragic events of the winter, not from fire but from the mudslide. I drove to Ojai twice for a delivery and the extent of the fire is striking. But plants are growing back, the mighty oaks are regreening, I think everything will be fine in time.

Bill had a Cooper's Hawk nesting at his more southern Motel 6. Not a lot of light but I managed a snap or two.

Perfect weather in a perfect locale this week.

I took one morning and walked the Salt Marsh in Carpenteria looking for birds. Didn't see much. But good to stretch my legs after being cooped up in the booth being pleasant all week...

A cat laying in wait, staring longingly at some ducks.

A hummer, shining brightly in the early morning light.

Some pretty native flora. Always nice to walk around a new place, largely free from fellow hominids.

Ate at Superica once. Had a big lengua plate at Los Agaves, repeated breakfasts at Esau's. Grabbed a cup of joe at my fave, Vices and Spices. Took the Ojai route to Santa Paula on the way home after a delivery. Interesting route. I didn't get back until after midnight last night, stopped at Dennys for coffee and a pot roast melt to stay awake. Really not bad...

But I am completely exhausted today. Time to go unpack the van. Keep on trucking...


Ken Seals said...

Enjoyed all the photos and trip story.

Anonymous said...

Hey Robert,
Glad to hear the show went well, you will
Get over the hill in front you always do.
Sorry to hear about Garry.
Always the best

Anonymous said...

135- to stay at motel 666....horrible, but the better hotels are outrageously expensive. I stay away from motel 666 and dazed inns.

Bethany said...

Happy to hear that show went well!
Love the pics interspersed in commentary.

Jon Harwood said...

I really want to know the story behind the pool sign.