
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Obey Giant

© Ben Gabbe
Several people suggested I watch ugly delicious the hip, new, no holds barred, foodie show. I watched the first episode on Netflix the other night, Chang's attitude left me a bit cold. Chef's sure like to curse a lot, every other word was fuck. My brother, the late chef, was the same way.

But the Korean born chef's profanity didn't bother me, he just seemed like an a-hole. Loved when the pizza guy from Brooklyn threatened to kick his ass if he ever had Dominos delivered to his place again. I never ate at Momofuko, so I can't judge his food, people I respect certainly love it. Will try to watch it again.

© Shepard Fairey
I did watch Obey Giant, the Shepard Fairey documentary, on Hulu last night. It leads to all sorts of interesting discussions about where artists and photographers rights begin and end when appropriating material from each other, if a "transformation" abrogates the rights of the original creator?

The 2017 film gives you a good look at a guy who I think is a really talented artist, a guy whose work is revolutionary and who never really left the street.

But it also leads to more legitimate discussions about your right to plaster your broadsides on my building without my permission and if there is a public virtue that outweighs private property rights.

Guy has gone to jail a lot for his art. He is very likable. I ended up really pulling for the guy.

Definitely give it a watch if you are interested in this sort of thing.


Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

I saw your photos in the show at the library yesterday. Stunning.

Blue Heron said...

Wow, thanks. Haven't seen them. Looking forward to tomorrow night.