Friday, February 9, 2018

Stupid is as stupid does

I am about to get real busy and think I have time for a quick spout before all hell breaks loose. The national irony meter is really pinging these days. The FBI asked the GOP not to release the Nunes memo because of National Security considerations and Trump did it anyway. But he won't release the Dems' counter memo because guessed it, National Security considerations. Beautiful.

"People need to take some aspirin
 sometimes and tough it out...
you can get through these things," he said.
The intellectual hubris of the current administration is striking. Rather than listen to expert doctors, drug policy is being orchestrated by one Kellyanne Conway and a bunch of political operatives.

Jeff Sessions says that instead of taking opioids, he suggests that people merely take an aspirin. Bingo, Jeff, brilliant.

[Carbon dioxide is not] a primary contributor
 to the global warming that we see.
Scott Pruitt's latest pivot at the EPA is that hey, who says the global warming that we have been denying for so long won't turn out to be good for us all in the long run? Might want to run that message by those people whose houses will soon be under water, Scott...

Betsy DeVos just got an F grade from teachers across our great land, primarily for cutting $9 billion dollars from the education budget and rolling back Obama era regulations that protect students against campus sexual assault as well as deal with restroom use for transgender students as well as problems associated with for-profit colleges and student debt and borrowing.

“You know, it really doesn’t matter
 what the media write
 as long as you’ve got
 a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.” 

President Trump is too busy and attention deficient to deal with a written Daily Intelligence Brief, a tradition that goes back at least seven presidencies. Just tell him the abbreviated Cliff note version, thank you.

All of these government luminaries have one thing in common, they all think that they are smarter than the experts and they have all turned their backs and noses at the people who actually know something about the agencies they govern.

If you don't live in an area with good public schools,
 you can move to a different place
if you have the financial means to do so. 
Low information voters elect low information leaders who appoint low information ignoramuses, well you know how the story goes...The dumbing down continues.


1 comment:

  1. Well said, BH.... I completely agree!!!>>>>>

    "All of these government luminaries have one thing in common, they all think that they are smarter than the experts and they have all turned their backs and noses at the people who actually know something about the agencies they govern."
