
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Santee Bound

Black Crowned Night Heron

Had a really fun Sunday at the Long Beach Flea Market. Got rid of a whole bunch of stuff I was ready to see leave, saw a bunch of old friends, hung out with Warmboe, made some dough.

Greatest thing for me was selling with my wife again. We started the business together and it hums better in her presence. It clicked.

Miss her presence at the shows. It was fun again. I appreciate her help and company, love her madly.

Ken and I went to Lindo Lake and then Santee Lakes today to continue to work with our newish lenses.  Lots of birds at Lindo, more black crowned night herons than I have ever seen before.

Skateboarders too.

Osprey, Santee Lakes
Very nice day. Beautiful, cool breezes, equipment working well.

Nice place Santee Lakes. Glad more people don't visit.

Dreamt I was in Detroit last night, crossing to Windsor. Was talking to buzz on the phone. "Why don't we split a room in Toronto," I said. Because I am dead.

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