
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Another day at the office


My photographer buddy Ken bought the Nikkor 200-500mm zoom lens yesterday. We decided to take it on a shakedown cruise up at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area today. It was a gorgeous day, not too hot, nice breeze, no bugs and lots of birds of all feathers everywhere. Absolutely delightful.

I am not sure how Ken did but it was a pretty crummy day for me, photographically speaking. Great day of living and walking, bad day shooting. Very few keepers.

I fought my equipment all day. It is okay, have had enough good days to not totally sweat the bad ones but I would like to figure out what is going on.

I shot the Nikkor 400mm f 2.8 off my Nikon D810. Shot it with the 1:2 crop between DX and FX.

It seems to be front focussing and I had a lot of soft images. I had it in sport mode on the vr instead of the normal middle #1 position but don't think that would cause my problems.

Hope I don't have to send the lens in for maintenance, can't afford it right now.

I did shoot pretty wide open, that could contribute some softness. I am going to fine tune the lens as soon as I have time.

Next Tuesday I will try again at Lindo Lake and probably go back to using this lens on my d7200, which has a larger buffer and longer reach.

We did see a lot of nice birds today, two immature bald eagles, many kestrels, red shouldered, red tailed hawks, a ferruginous hawk, harriers, shrikes, ibis, willets, avocets, white faced ibis, shovelheads, mallards, coots, egrets, mergansers, a red duck I am yet to identify.

I am happy Ken bought the lens, finally, he has spent a fortune renting them in the past and now I will have my friend and mentor to go on more bird shoots. Hopefully back to the Bosque del Apache one day.

Butcher bird

Did get a picture of a defecating duck, think it's a personal first.


Anonymous said...

I drove west on the 76 past Bonsall and the San Luis Rey today for the first time since the fire. Scorched earth. I saw what appeared to be a half dozen vultures circling overhead. Max

Jon Harwood said...

Each life is granted one moment of greatness.

Anonymous said...

I saw Defecating Duck live at the Hollywood Bowl. Great group, although I liked the opening act better.

Sanoguy said...

You know, of course, you can clone out the poop, if you like!

Anonymous said...

The photo of the pair of ducks flying is absolutely gorgeous. I love everything about it. Composition, color, focus, the works.

Margaret Harwood

Blue Heron said...

Thank you Margaret. I appreciate the compliment.