
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, November 24, 2017

San Elijo, afternoon.


I had a nice Thanksgiving and I hope that you did as well. On Wednesday I decided to get the camera out  and see if I could get a picture or two of the groove billed ani, the super rare visitor from the south. It was not to be. Encinitas Community Park was filled with birders but our little black bird was either hiding or had flown the coop. Ron and Lena walked over and saw it the day before but it was not to be for yours truly.


I had thoughts about hitting Lindo Lake or Santee Lakes but the traffic was just murder so I went down and took a short walk around San Elijo Lagoon instead with the 400mm.

lesser scaup

Grabbed a few shots of shorebirds, sun was facing me so the light wasn't ideal. Made do.

I am not quite sure what this guy is to the left here. I will take a shot and say black bellied plover but it might also be a sandpiper.

I saw buffleheads, widgeons and scaups, egrets and hawks. My eponymous bird of course.

Almost nailed a shot of a cormorant enjoying an early supper but my exposure settings were a might slow. Oh well.

Thrashing around with the big fish, the bird just would not slow down for me.


Next time, hopefully!


Anonymous said...

Happy TG Blue man...

Anonymous said...

Whimbrel: "Why did you take most of my leg and my foot away?"

Blue Heron said...

It is called standing on one foot. Try it.

Anonymous said...

Whimbrel: I'm standing on one foot.