Family Tree DNA is, in my opinion, by far the best genetics testing outfit on the market. I have tested everything possible with them over the years including the complete Big Y sequence. Very simple cheek swab and you get results in about six weeks or so. It gave me access to the excellent website double helix and other pages where I have learned much about my distant parentage.
I am currently the only B405* in the world. I am lonely. Get tested autosomally and come join me on the family branch.
This organization is run by scientists and professors. The autosomal or Family Finder test allows you to understand your genetic parentage and find cousins, from a distance range of one to five degrees of relation. I now have discovered over 12,000 relatives with this service and can actually see where the chromosomes match.
If you have an interest in your genetic parentage I strongly suggest that you order Family Finder now. Here is a link. $49.00. Big deal.
I've been thinking about doing this. Thanks for the link. Max