
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Best of 2017 Photo blog fast approaching

Man at antique show on supplemental oxygen
Please start thinking about an end of the year photograph for the annual my favorite/best shot of the year photography post. All of you.

I will start running it mid December so it stays up until the end of the year. Start sending them now and I will save them for publication.

We have done it for many years now but last year things started to slack a bit. Let's pick it up.

Remember, it doesn't have to be arty, technically proficient, good, bad or indifferent, it just has to speak to you.

Looking forward to seeing what pearls you have to offer. Everybody has a phone, there are no excuses for not entering. You lurkers out there too. Azurebirds at gmail dot com.


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