
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I like to be in San Juan, I know a boat that you can sail on.

Is she happy?
Unfortunately, with our busy lives and competing schedules, Leslie and I had not shared a vacation together all year. We had a short window this weekend and decided to use it. Hawaii was an option but we decided that it was time to visit our good friends in the northwest, R & D.

We landed at Sea-Tac and rented a car. Leslie wanted to visit the Pike Market again so we did. I'm not much of a shopper but I played nice.
Watched the fish throwing, sampled the latest cannabis salve, bought a beautiful bouquet, ate turkish food and delight.

Found a nice provision shop and bought fresh black truffle, chanterelles, cantal and prosciutto so that we would not arrive empty handed. The staples.

Afterwards we drove to the Gehry building to take some pictures. It has a new name, was the Experience Music Project, now it has a new moniker, MoPOP, or Museum of Pop Culture.

I am fine with the name change but I think the museum itself has suffered with time, or at least its exterior has. Here is a pic I took ten years ago when it was in its infancy.

In my eyes, a beautiful design and form. But you can't take that picture anymore. Large trees now block that sightline. This is as close as I could get.

And they have added so much extemporaneous gingerbread and layers that it has lost a little visual punch. Become fragmented.

 Definitely still a cool structure although it is reportedly loathed by many locals.

I like Frank Gehry, a guy who isn't afraid to push the boundaries.

Leslie played in the purple reflections.

We got back into our car and humped into the nightmarish Seattle traffic. Stopped in Everett, found a nice sleeper restaurant in Everett, Buck's Cafe, for dinner. I had a chicken breast stuffed with crab in hollandaise. Would definitely go back.

Stayed in Anacortes and after a good breakfast at Dad's Diner (incredible home smoked meats) got on the morning ferry to San Juan.

I really don't have time right now for a full scale reckoning and dissertation and might not for a while. Will try to give you a taste with a few pictures.

This was pretty cool. Watched a gadroon of gulls mob a seal for his king salmon. He kept going under for bites and they kept trying to steal it. Became quite a boil. Wish I had taken a better picture.

I know you hate it when I complain about lacking this or that piece of equipment and start deriding my photography. Sounds like egads, false humility. But there are times I am really close to a great shot and miss it.

This is one of those times. The seal shot. Every one was sharp and clear except the one that counted. Debated bringing the expensive lens but was afraid to put it on an airplane. Maybe next time. Brought a minimal amount of gear, had a great time and took some decent pictures. Can't wait until I have time to properly sift through them.

Ran into some beautiful foxes of assorted colors at South Beach. The blackish one above had a chilling, penetrating gaze.

This one was very beautiful.

More shots later. Must say, the Island was fascinating and fabulous, our hosts were loving, giving, gracious and wonderful. We had a docent tour of the whale museum, phenomenal food, many laughs. Visited two full service farms and a lavender farm. Got many good bird shots. Juncos to chickadees, red red robins and nuthatches of all stripe. More avian friends later.

red breasted nuthatch

Pine siskins

Northern flicker

downy woodpecker

Mt. Baker

No phone or computer connection all week. No politics, little news. Heaven.

Now it is time to go to work.


Anonymous said...

So many great shots! Love the one of Leslie with the purple glow. Max

Ken Seals said...

Really enjoyed this story and photos