
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ian Hunter and the Rant Band.

I was dead tired and already home when Leslie informed me that we had a concert later that evening, emphasis on the we. Oh shit, Ian Hunter, I totally forgot. I drove back into town and we took off for San Juan Capistrano. At least the Coach House isn't too far.

And Ian Hunter, the lead glam man from the famous Mott the Hoople, the Britisher turned Clevelandite, never plays in these parts. In fact there were only three shows on the whole U.S. tour, one in Los Angeles and one at the Fillmore in San Francisco tonight, then he plays in Europe.

Leslie Sommers photo

The place was packed, older mostly of course, Ian Hunter fans in t-shirts brought their kids in Ian Hunter t-shirts, the band was incredibly tight and powerful and a good time was had by all. I sipped Jamisons for my sore throat and had a really nice time after all.

Leslie Sommers photo

Towards the end of the set his pal Johnny Depp joined him onstage for a few songs. Couldn't really hear him much, not sure if he can play any better than I can but he definitely looked cool up there and that is ninety percent of the deal, right? Had a beautiful guitar anyway.

Great All the Young Dudes encore. If you get a chance to see the band, do so, before we all get too old.

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