Monday, May 1, 2017

The Californiano

Fighting a bad cold, looking at the upcoming week with trepidation, sort of a tough weekend. But I took solace and comfort in the beauty of my Southern California surroundings. Epically gorgeous, perfect weather.

I never forget that I live in one of the most beautiful and unspoiled valleys in Southern California. Saw two bobcats last week, a multitude of birds. The native vegetation still have their momentary purple accents. A most welcome California golden poppy sprung up uninvited in my garden.

Grosbeaks and finches are making good use of my feeder. I drove to the mailboxes to get my Sunday paper and caught this Red Shouldered hawk in his normal spot at the crook of the road. Far enough away that it was hard to get a good shot but it will do. Do you see the red bars on his shoulder plumage? Their call is much more shrill than the Red Tailed hawk.

And speaking of the Red Tailed, this one was perched on a high dead tree that is a favorite perch.

Such a dignified looking raptor.

And we have lift off.

Thirty years in the valley and I am still enamored with these wonderful creatures. Speaking of enamored I think I told you I recently got one of them new fangled inventions called a television. Been watching old Zorro type movies on Amazon Prime as well as pre Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes.

On Saturday I watched the 1936 film The Bold Caballero and the classic 1937 The Californian starring Ricardo Cortez. These movies give you a great idea of what an unspoiled Southern California once looked like.

They are also great for checking out great spanish colonial furniture, tile work, serapes and vaquero garb. Nice to see movies with native agave and ranchitas too.

If I had lived back then I would certainly be fighting both the Mexicans and the Americans. I am a Californiano through and through,

Yesterday I was gifted a ticket by Carolyn Vice to see my favorite watercolor painter, Joseph Zbukvic, give a demo at the Fallbrook Art Center.

They auctioned it off at the end to raise money for the school of the arts. He is so fabulous, a true master and a great guy.

Joseph has been a friend for a long time and I hope that we get a chance to have a beer before I leave.

On the way home I grabbed one more afternoon shot of the red shouldered, still perched on the morning roost. And not needing to mention eating my Mr. Kabob schwarma leftovers for dinner, my weekend was finished.

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