
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, April 13, 2017

More feathered friends

I have lived in the valley so long I usually know where the birds will be. Creatures of habit, we are  are we.

There is a Cooper's hawk that lives in the sycamore on the crook of the road near the Maurers. Been there for years.

I shot this red tailed guy to your left across from Tinkers and Latimer's place early this morning. He is a familiar sight too but I've never taken his picture until now.

Walt Perry was taking his walk and wanted to know what I was doing.

I leave in the morning in pretty low light and my lens isn't fast enough to get a real sharp shot in those conditions but it gives you a good idea anyway of what's up.

And this other guy is the one that always sits up in the dead eucalyptus tree at Brandon and Alvarado across from the Cultural Village.

Too high up to get a decent vantage but took a shot anyway. For posterity if nothing else.

Or the Hawks of Fallbrook Calendar. Miss April.

And here's a hummer I shot in my bauhinia last night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely. If I was a hummingbird, I would be doing the exact same thing as that little guy. Picture telling a story. Bravo!