
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, April 24, 2017

Costumed faces

The show wasn't all that great for me but I had a decent week considering and think I can pay the bills and that is what I always hope for. When life deals you a losing hand there are times you have to think of making a little chicken salad out of whatever it is that you are dealt.

For many years the Calendar Antique Show in Del Mar has been visited by a costumed troupe that arrives in full regalia, Lady Mari's Costume Walkabout. This year's theme was obviously the circus and I think it was their best effort yet.

My great friend Lena stopped by the show the other day and mentioned that I always seemed to have a camera close bye. She's right. I like to be able to capture random moments such as these. These performers gave me an opportunity to grab some interesting portrait shots.

People seem to be freed up to express a different part of their being when in costume.

I want to thank the group for coming. A lot of fun and creativity expressed. I enjoyed the picture taking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice shots Bobbie.