
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Lizards and bits

A lizard whose scales behave like a computer automaton - New York Times. Or maybe a game of go?

Don't even think of crapping on Jeff Bezos spaceship. Which reminds me of the time we were sternly admonished not to take a dump on Eric Clapton's Tour Bus. Leslie's friend Mitch was his videographer, well it's a long story, you'll have to ask her...

Generative adversarial networks or the artificial intelligence wars - Google’s Dueling Neural Networks Spar to Get Smarter, No Humans Required - Wired

This christian kid thinks like a computer and might be playing the most inspired chess in the world right now.

And a chess problem that stumps A.I., proves that humans still might have an edge. For now. http://interestingengineering.com/can-you-solve-chess-puzzle-ai-software-cant/

The puzzle, released by the Penrose Institute, was recently devised in order to study human consciousness through physics. The Penrose Institute founder, Sir Roger Penrose, Emeritus Professor at the Mathematical Institute of Oxford, devised the puzzle to distinguish between human and artificial intelligence machines. The puzzle is said to be solvable by humans but not by AI software.
“If you put this puzzle into a chess computer it just assumes a black win because of the number of pieces and positions, but a human will look at this and know quickly that is not the case,” said Sir Roger.
Nostril size, climate adaptation and human evolution.

Engrams and circuits are critical for building strong neocortical memories. Don't leave your hippocampus without them.

Pink floyd shrimp is louder than Deep Purple.

New study shows six to nine month olds displaying racial bias towards members of own ethnicity.

I never pitch my wife's shop Caravan but I should. It is great, lots of cool stuff. Like 3D socks that come with their own 3D glasses. She just got a great selection of socks in, like you've never seen before and incredible quality for cheap $. Tell her you heard about it on the blast. I will put some shots up tomorrow.

Scott Pruitt, the new head of the EPA, is asking for ten bodyguards for 24/7 protection. Word is that he is worried about getting fragged from somebody inside the building. Can't say I blame him. I could see a scientist dedicated to preserving the environment taking a crack at him, I really could.

I watched my favorite star trek episode tonight, the last show of season two, Assignment Earth, with Agent Gary Seven. Too bad he never got his own show. Terry Garr plays the goofy hippy chick.

Bombs away.
GBU 43 b - 8500 kilogram warhead

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