
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, March 6, 2017

I've got a mind to give up living (and go shopping instead)

Hitting the road again for another show. The weeds are getting pretty high at my place on account of all that rain. I'm not complaining, you don't like them, too bad, we ain't on the home or garden tour anytime soon... Wisteria starting to bloom as are the 450 gladiolus I got sent from Michigan and there's the rub, they are so intertwined with the weeds that you can't take care of one without decimating the other, already accidentally nailed four or five shoots and I don't want to stand accused of being a callous and un repentant flower killer so we will leave things scruffy for a piece. Tom brought over a couple old trucks to add some character to the back pasture and I look forward to watching them turn to rust, hopefully before I do. He broke a main line today and it was a real adventure getting back to the main shutoff. Happy to hear that there is a new George Smiley book coming out from John Le Carre September 5th. Something to look forward to after the summer of my discontent. I think that it will be called Legacy of Spies. Good for Cornwall. Thought he was out to pasture too. Now if he could only secure the video of Trump with the Russian waterwench... The GOP is about to start cannibalizing each other with the health rollout. Mark my words soon they will come hat in hands to the dems to get them to fix their problem and neutralize the Freedom wing. Working in a bipartisan manner is a two way street and I wouldn't start now if I was Schumer. The House and Senate GOP are about to start going for each other's jugulars and Drumpf will have no freaking idea what to do. This should be fun.

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