
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, March 3, 2017

Blast boffo birthday

Ten years old today.

Klaatu barado nikto!


Unknown said...

Gratz my friend. Haven't heard from you in awhile, my bad .I hope all is well with you.

Anonymous said...

Good evening Rob
Just wanted to wish you all the best on your AGM this evening
It's a shame I wasn't nearer as it would be a great pleasure to attend
Trump sandwiches on the menu?
It would be grand to have a beer with you but I am with you in spirit as just had a couple three actually glasses of primitivo
Best of luck
Let's hope they are all nice people
P x

Jon Harwood said...

You must remember those words.

Sanoguy said...

Happy BD, BH! Sorry I missed your soirée!

Brigitte Schlemmer said...

ohhh noooo I missed the soiree...I am such a workaholic!