
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, December 30, 2016

Cristo Redentor - David Sanborn


Anonymous said...

Always lingering. My best to you and Leslie in 2017.

RE: Sanborn.

Met and hung with him a bit when I worked for Feyline Concerts in Denver in the late 70s and early 80s. He was gigging with Tommy Bolin at the time. Sanborn was great to be around. An extremely intelligent guy with a taste for all kinds of music. Barry Fey really liked Sanborn. We were having lunch at The Bagel Deli in Denver on a summer afternoon, I was 18. Sanborn wanted something light, and wasn't too into meat. Fey ordered him a hot corned beef on pumpernickel and and when Sanborn was reluctant to eat it, Fey shouted,

"Eat the fuckin' sandwich David!"

David ate most of it, but kept staring at me in hopes I would steal it from him.

True Story...


Blue Heron said...

What was Candy Givens like? I assume that you saw Zephyr. Finnegan told me that Bolin tried to get him to join his band...