
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Dallas, got a soft machine...

I hope that all of you Blast readers, from wherever land you may hail, had a wonderful holiday if you celebrated this weekend. I have a lot to be thankful for and thank all of you in the near and extended Blast family for your continued readership and participation.

I am not exactly sure what it means but I reached my ten millionth view this week.

As a round number freak, I take pride in this accomplishment, however paltry its true significance might actually be.

We spent a delightful holiday in Dallas, with family.

Leslie's brother has a beautiful place which affords exquisite views of the skyline so I managed to grab a few pictures.

Not easy to shoot long exposures without a tripod but I gave it a go.

first light


Ken Seals said...

All very nice shots! I like the first one and last ones best!!

Anonymous said...

So happy that you two had such a nice visit. Your shots of Dallas are beautiful. Thanks for the kind thoughts. The Blast made me smile today.

Jon Harwood said...

Purdy skyline! Ah laiks the first'un bestus.

Sanoguy said...

The first and last two! Nice!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous view! Max