
Sandhill crane

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Through the incredible graciousness of an Italian Trade group, I am being offered a free trip to Italy in the fall. We are very excited.

Leslie and I will be traveling to Parma, with my expenses fully paid for Mercanteinfiera.

Leslie has traveled extensively throughout Italy but I have never set foot in the country so I am ecstatic. We are extending our trip for a few days to sightsee.

If you had a choice of choosing one additional city to visit, Florence or Venice, which would you pick? Or would you go somewhere completely different?


Douglas Keller said...

That's easy...I get my ass down to Roma! I'm not religious...but the Vatican is... well...just go.

Blue Heron said...

Too far, unfortunately.

Sanoguy said...

Venice ... Photographers heaven! I have been there twice... See me for suggestions.

Douglas Keller said...

Yeah Roma is kinda far-a. OK, if that's the case, imho, if Venice and Florence were on the menu...both would be dreams come true.

Sanoguy said...

I have been to both..... Venice hands down!

Unknown said...

Lucky you and Les, two choices within easy travel, 1. Milano for culture, Opera, Cathedral,and Leonardo. 2. Verona,2nd oldest and still functioning Coliseum, Romeo and Juliet, Two Gentlemen from Verona, a wonderful University town with a great palazzo and easy place to be. I loved it.

island guy said...

Loved both (decades ago) but for something completely different and perhaps less thronged:
I think the food is great everywhere, and your sponsored trip should take care of that angle anyway!

Splash! said...

Florence is my favorite city in the world. I will find the name of place I stayed and forward it to you. Florence is the one city in Italy you need to see.