
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, July 18, 2016

Light sculptor

Leslie and I had the pleasure of dinner at the mountain top Fallbrook home of Michael and D.N. Evans on Saturday.

Michael is a visionary artist, his wife D.N., a world class couturier, whose establishment in Laguna Beach was known far and wide.

She has dressed a major celebrity clientele in her time.

Michael is a brilliant sculptor and painter and once designed geodesic space toys for the Smithsonian. A veteran and Chicago native, you can check out his amazing work at michealrevans dot com.

The setting and table was right out of Sunset Magazine. He is not only a talented artist he is also a very fine chef. Michael's light sculptures adorned the patio and we had a beautiful view of acres of avocado trees and succulents, with the Pacific Ocean shining to our west.

However the real fun starts after dark, when Michael fires up the smoke and lasers and starts sending beams of light through the crystal sculptures.

Positively lysergic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've seen Michael's art and read a lot of his writing. A very entertaining and interesting person. He's into polyhedrons in a big way...