
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, June 17, 2016

Trouble in the ranks

Interesting that President Obama is getting dissent from two normally erstwhile allies in regards to his Syria and Isis policy. A sizable number of career diplomats at the State Department have signaled their dissatisfaction with his fight against Isil and Assad. Fifty one career diplomats at State have signed on to a letter of dissent displaying their frustration with the status quo and urging stronger action against the Syrian regime.

CIA director John Brennan, in a rare candid moment, says that Isil is stronger than ever and that we have done little to degrade their effectiveness.
Brennan said the Islamic State continues to move forward. despite losing ground in Iraq and Syria. Efforts "have not reduced the group's terrorism capability and global reach," he told the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Obama obviously doesn't want to get his hands dirty, so close to retirement...Obviously never gave two shakes about the Syrian people anyway. Jumping Jack Flash is a gas, gas, gas...

On another front, the Obama Administration quietly blocked a congressional resolution to aid Israel in their missile defense, leading to this letter from the Conference of Presidents ( note: My mother worked at a high level in this organization for a number of years.):
On Thursday, leaders of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations called the Obama administration rejection “very troubling” and “a disturbing departure from the prior practice of this and previous administrations.”
In a statement, Conference of Presidents Chairman Stephen M. Greenberg and CEO Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman, asserted that “in a time of escalating threats to Israel from the arsenal of more 150,000 missiles and rockets supplied by Iran and stockpiled by Hezbollah, including sophisticated precision guided weapons capable of targeting hundreds of thousands of Israeli civilians in major population areas in Israel, the belligerent threats to Israel posed by Iran’s ongoing development and testing of its long range missiles in blatant violation of internationally imposed restrictions and the ever present peril of renewed rocket and missile attacks on Israel from Hamas and other terrorist organizations in Gaza, the decision by the Obama Administration to oppose the overwhelming bipartisan Congressional support for increasing Israel’s ability to defend its people is very troubling.
“President Obama and senior US military leaders have repeatedly acknowledged that assuring Israel has the necessary military resources to counteract missile and rocket assaults at a time of increasing instability in the Middle East promotes US national security interests in the region,” the statement continued. “Israel’s missile defense systems have also provided a valuable contribution to America’s own missile defense program and security.
The public and formal objection to Congress increasing the budget for Israel’s missile defense is a disturbing departure from the prior practice of this and previous administrations. This could risk emboldening the forces of terror and instability and heighten concerns among friends and allies of the US in the region,” they concluded, urging the administration “to promptly reconsider its stand.”
This is just another salvo from the President against his favorite nemesis. He rarely misses a chance to stick it in Israel's eye, even after enabling Iran to perform a major rebuild on its missile capabilities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what would one expect from such a great narcissist king useless what a joke he is on the world stage