
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Send me your pic.

In case you didn't know, this is what a well dressed New Yorker looks like these days.

The model is one Douglas Garn, a good friend of mine for well over forty years.

I believe that we may have met at the Bethesda Fountain in NYC when I was fourteen or fifteen or maybe throwing frisbees at Sheeps Meadow.

Later a whole bunch of shows and good times.

Lots of people love my Yellowstone Falls shot, several of you have asked for prints. No problem.

I had the crazy idea of trying to crowd fund the purchase of a long telephoto prime, try to kickstart my way to 600 or 800mm.

But there are too many hungry people and more important causes for people to get behind so I won't even mention it.

But Loughin said that he would donate.

Thanks, Mike.

I was supposed to go up to the San Jacinto Wildlife Area with Ken today but he had the bug and bugged out. I drove up myself, had the 19 zillion acres to myself, which was fine with me. The watch out for mountain lion posters were a little scary but the real problem was mosquitos. They played me for a human pincushion and my arms were colored bright crimson after a protracted losing battle.

Didn't see a lot up there. Very dry. Beth says that a purple martin had been sighted, I didn't see it. Ibis and egrets, herons and kestrels. Did catch an osprey in the marsh way in the back but it was mostly a washout. Drove to to the Walker Ponds for the first time.

One of those days, couldn't get the shot, couldn't get the gear to work right. Still it was nice to be out in nowhere again. Did I mention last week that there were parts of Yellowstone that reminded me of being on the African savannah? Truly. Will look at the pics tomorrow, see if anything is worth posting.

I hightailed it back, stopping at Louie's Nursery on Scott Rd. to pick up some purple flowers and then back to Fallbrook to vote and try to generate some income at the office, man not able to live on pretty pictures alone. Actually had a productive afternoon. Not monetarily but work wise.

Speaking of nurseries I have a little bitch with Waterwise Botanicals out on Old 395. Not only are they ridiculously expensive but they don't stand behind their product.

I bought a desert bird of paradise from them some weeks back and when I went to plant it, the root came right out of the container, completely bare. I carefully planted it in its native mix, watered it in but sparingly.

They shouldn't sell material that hasn't rooted. It took about a week to die.

The girl on the phone was contemptuous and acid in her manner, even accused me of drowning it, something I certainly did not do, and then refused to give me a refund.

I have been growing plants on my ranch for over 35 years and have never had something die like this. Funny enough, I asked them if they had any special planting instructions when I bought it and no one knew anything.

In any case I won't be doing business with them again. Besides their one gallon material is twice the price of Louie's. I guess they prey on the upper crust Fallbrook types. Arrivaderci, Waterwise! Wouldn't want to be ya...

Almost sold out of the first three dozen t-shirts. Next run is in black, limited sizes, act fast...

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