
Sandhill crane

Sunday, May 8, 2016


I threw some clothes on and drove through the narrow river canyon to the mailboxes this morning to get the Sunday morning newspaper. We have a deal. Leslie makes breakfast, I get the paper. Caught a red tailed hawk high to my left on my way out.

Thankfully the horse trailers weren't there yet, I still had my canyon to myself. Saw a mountain bike yesterday and shuddered.

When I got to the road I noticed a big blue heron on a dead tree.

I looked around the van and noticed that I had my old Sigma 50-500mm behind the seat, ensconced there for just such an occasion. It is a damn good lens, haven't paid attention to it of late with the newer 150-600c. I quickly stuck it on the camera and adjusted the iso and shutter speed, hoping that it didn't fly away.

Rats, the camera wouldn't come off 1/250th of a second, I experienced a little camera hell. The bird even laughed at me.

I did this and that and finally got the dumb camera to do what I wanted somehow.

I was surprised how close he let me approach before flying away, ultimately alighting on top of a telephone pole in the old pumpkin field.

I saw a bunch of birds on the way back including this coopers hawk and a flying woodpecker. Nice day in the canyon.

1 comment:

Max Hall said...

I'm going to take that as a good omen, that the two noble blue herons crossed paths in the canyon today...