
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, May 6, 2016

20 rolls in a tourist bus

Jeff and Gena live in Alaska and have one of the few inholdings at Denali. They have repeatedly invited us up before but there was something a little foreboding when he mentioned the twenty eight river crossings necessary to reach the spot.

Jeff sent this photo and note the other day:

Hi Robert. Just started a project back in Denali. Thought u would enjoy the no guard rails on single track 500 feet straight down or as we say 20 rolls in a tourist bus !!

Jeff knows how much I like photography. He also sent this:

Trying to tempt u. Saw 2 griz tons of sheep caribou hawks

Very tempting. Definitely want to get up there. But first we are headed back to Yellowstone. Real soon.

Hudgins sent this neat link over. See the wind.


island guy said...


Ken Seals said...

Hit the road Rob!