
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, April 11, 2016


Has anybody taken a gander at the old McDonald's restaurant location at 1050 S. Mission Rd. in Fallbrook lately? Not exactly your kind of happy place...

A veritable garbage dump of weeds and trash. I am just under six foot tall and there was a weed clearly over my head.

The asphalt is buckling in the parking lot and debris and old metal parts litter the grounds.

Tiles are missing from the steps. Frankly the place is as nasty as a pink McNugget before it hits the fryer.

A happy smiling figure on a sign still beckons from inside the lonely decrepit building. Golden Arches of hell...

McDonald's has of course moved to fancy new digs not a quarter mile away, leaving us with a nasty eyesore that has evidently faded from corporate memory. If only the citizens of Fallbrook were so lucky!

My understanding is that McDonald's inserted a clause or language in the sales or lease instructions that the site could not be used in the future by a restaurant, presumably in an attempt to forestall a potential competitor.

In the real world  what it means is that very few businesses are capable of or will undertake the capital expense necessary to repurpose such a structure that is actually only good for one thing, a fast food restaurant.

So we are stuck with the mansard modern ghetto slum look for perpetuity. Nice corporate responsibility McDonald's, both for the draconic legal language and for your obvious contempt for our community. Excuse us for feeling crapped on.

Thanks, Anthony Villaseñor from Sierra U.S. Commercial Real Estate. Thanks for watching our back. Feel free to drop them a note. Or send one to old Ronald McDonald himself. I did, will keep you posted.

Postscript: So far a little talk, no action. Will see if code enforcement does anything. Jon Harwood posted this picture of the living accommodations at the back of the site on the Fallbrook Shutters web page. Very nice.

From Wild Bill: 


Emergefit said...

Fucking awesome. Have been having the same thoughts. Will pass this around on my next break!

Unknown said...

How about a compassionate medical maryjuana dispensary.

Blue Heron said...

Would you like fries with that?

Jon Harwood said...

Drive through McWeed, coming to your town in post legalization 2017.

grumpy said...

I was hoping someone would document this festering eyesore, right on..

shawnintland said...

Perhaps BHB has another calling - just leave it to your readership to solve problems like this with such a creative solution! Even the name is great!

Michael.G said...

If the lease is over, it's null and void, besides the fact that would be restraint of trade. Of course if this was a company store and the land owner is still collecting lease payments that's a different story. If it was a franchise that's no longer in existance, I would think there is nobody to come back on the property owner as he's definitely not getting paid by a defunct entity. Not knowing is the real problem.

Anonymous said...

That's what excavators are for or bulldozers to beautify these places

Jon Harwood said...

I think that "bedroom" picture is one of the ugliest I done ever shot.

grumpy said...

the dumpsters behind Café Primo are pretty ugly too, trash always piled up around them and now a couple of mattresses as well...maybe this post found it's way to the property manager of McDump because yesterday a crew was there and they wacked the weeds...