
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Grapple and Grope

Ex House Majority Whip Tom Delay has asked the judge to go easy on ex Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.

Hastert, a long time champion of "family values," has pled guilty to illegally structuring bank withdrawals to hush up one of his ex students that he had apparently been buggering when he was a teacher and high school wrestling coach in Chicago.

The prosecution wants six months in the pokey, defense wants probation. Perfect time to play the jesus card.
DeLay, a Texas Republican, recalled in his letter that Hastert started a Wednesday Bible study that the two men took part in.
"So I know his heart and have seen it up close and personal," DeLay wrote. "We all have our flaws, but Dennis Hastert has very few. He is a good man that loves the lord. He gets his integrity and values from Him. He doesn't deserve what he is going through. I ask that you consider the man that is before you and give him leniency where you can."
Please. He does deserve what he is going through. And worse. Hastert is said to have taken the worst kind of advantage of at least five young grapplers under his supervision. Doesn't the good lord care about them too?
Prosecutors allege that Hastert abused or had inappropriate contact with at least five minor boys during his time at Yorkville High School, touching them in the "groin area and genitals" or having oral sex with them. The statutes of limitations have long passed on the alleged sexual misconduct. He taught and coached at Yorkville for about 16 years before launching his political career in the early 1980s.
I actually had a teacher that liked to wrestle in boarding school that creeped me out, he ended up with a very similar story. Lets say he got a little too happy with his ground game. Luckily I sensed something weird and amscrayed before I got "pinned."
“The actions at the core of this case took place not on the defendant’s national public stage, but in his private one-on-one encounters in an empty locker room and a motel room with minors that violated the special trust between those young boys and their coach,” prosecutors wrote.
Witness A demanded three and a half million bucks not to divulge the sexual perversions.
Prosecutors have painted a disturbing portrait of Hastert that contrasts with the many letters that described him as fundamentally decent, pointing to accounts of how the then-coach often sat in a recliner chair in the locker room with a direct view of the boys shower.
Hastert abused at least four boys at Yorkville High, prosecutors said in an April 8 presentencing memo that detailed the allegations for the first time. Individual A says he was 14 when Hastert abused him in a motel room after telling the boy he wanted to check a groin injury.
I say throw the book at the sick bastard. Jesus can love him in jail, hopefully in a cell that he shares with Tom DeLay.


Chip said...


Anonymous said...

I looked up the appropriate response in the Liberal Handbook, 26th edition, that also
has drag queens now listed as trans-gendered. Now it seems to me, pardner, that if you're gonna let any gussied-up Tom, Dick and Hairy display their erect 'Service Dog' in the powder room, you might at least show a tiny bit of sympathy for your fellow Rump Ranger wrasslers that want to sample the merchandise of their potential 'wives' in the locker room.

Now really, if you ascribe to the 'Do Your Own Thing' mentality, ya gotta take it all the way. Hastert was just 'laying' groundwork for knowing what to legislate out of existence when the opportunity presented itself. And what would a cross-dressing,
perfumed Son O'God have done, hmmmm?