
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Be Well

I had a client friend come in today whose husband is battling cancer and it has unfortunately taken a turn for the worse. My heart goes out to the both of them. As my long time readers know, I got cancer in my mid twenties and fought it for a long time. I thought that I had it beat but it raised its ugly head about eight years ago. Cancer survivors are always sneaking these little looks over our shoulders.

And it has touched most of us, or I daresay, all of us.

My friend Heidi Minga is a principal at a local non-profit called Be Well. Be Well is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation specializing in helping those living with cancer, their caregivers, & everyone else living stress-filled lives, which is pretty much all of us.

Heidi and her partner have teamed with City of Hope to put on The Retreat, a two day rejuvenation experience at Pala Casino benefitting the City of Hope and their mission to fight cancer. The Retreat is a two-day yoga event held at Pala Resort Casino and Spa (who graciously donate the space and the food). San Diego's top teachers are volunteering their time and skills to lead the classes. Each time slot has an active and a gentle choice. They also have noted guest speakers that will speak on Ayurveda (sister science of yoga) and do cooking demo's as well as a Ted Talks speaker (Sara Cameron).

Be Well is a proud supporter of City of Hope's Comprehensive Cancer Center which offers over 150 complimentary care services (such as yoga, meditation, art therapy, dance therapy, counseling, etc.) to the patients and caregivers of Hope at no charge.

Heidi, Traycie Mitchell and Mary Baker raised over 10k for City of Hope last year. They hope to double that number this year. On a sad note, both Heidi and Mary have lost their mothers to cancer.

Take a look at the links and think of either attending or donating to their worthy cause. Space is limited to 300 participants.

Thank you!

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