
Sandhill crane

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Grandview Beach, Leucadia

I had some business on the coast yesterday and decided to see what the waves looked like. There were nice periodic 8 to 10' sets at Grandview although a surfer I was talking to said that they were more like 12'. Nice steep faces, good shape. Several surfers were out taking advantage although the guy I talked to said the shape only really held up at Swamis, a little further down the coast in Encinitas.

Whales were spouting off in the distance. I thought about how lucky I am to get to see the ocean on a regular basis. A lot of people can't. If I lived in Barstow or Needles it would be near impossible. Got to count my blessings.


Anonymous said...

wow nice shots

Chip said...

Incredibly beautiful! !