
Sandhill crane

Saturday, November 28, 2015


People will tell you that there are no seasons in Southern California. They have obviously never visited the beautiful Santa Margarita River in the autumn. The sycamores are nearly as vibrant as aspens right now. The morning fog lies low in its valleys and the raptors have begun showing their faces again.

I have lived on this river's doorstep since 1989. This has been my first view of the day for a big chunk of my life.

We river dwellers count ourselves very lucky. No signal, no cable, no traffic, no compression. Long way to go to hide, but worth it.

Not exactly a religious man, but I count my blessings regularly.

I caught a double rainbow on the way home yesterday as did many Fallbrookians. I hear that the pictures are plastered all over Facebook. This one is seen through a dirty, rain splattered windshield but you get the idea. I wonder if any animals take pleasure in rainbows, if they are particular pleasing to dogs and dolphins, lemurs or lynx? Humans can't agree on much but I think we have all loved rainbows since time immemorial.

A rainbow never pissed anyone off.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Great meeting you.

You can see more of my work at 35lux.tumblr.com