
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Dogs and whistles

"When I sit down with a group of Jewish leaders, just as when I sit down with members of Congress, I do not hear back credible arguments on the other side..." Barack Obama
Some awful summer reading. The long knives are out. Not too hard to figure out who the new enemy of Obama and the left is.















"Obama has countered that his critics have used unfair and misleading arguments to rally opposition. During the private White House meeting with Jewish American leaders, the president suggested that his opponents tone down their rhetoric if they wanted him to do the same, according to several participants. Obama was particularly irked by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s $20 million ad campaign against the plan.
One participant, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private conversation, said Obama argued “that this would not be as big an issue and as big a fight if basically the pro-Israel community was not making it into a big fight. . . . So essentially the takeaway was that he was broadly asking the organizations to consider stepping back.”"
It is amazing to me that a sitting American president thinks it is fair game to ever engage in this sort of "rhetoric" with any group of American citizens. Shameful, reminds me of the sort of things another leader was saying in the years before 1939. The damage from what Ben Rhodes calls a little "family dispute" will take many years to heal, if ever.


Anonymous said...

The whole enchilada regarding Iran is getting tiring and the some $25,000,000 worth of AIPAC TV ads have not even begun the August barrage. I am quite thankful to the Goddess that I hardly ever get exposed to TV these days.

Oh well, the US seems to love a hotly contested issue and this one will at least relieve Donald Trump of some of the burden of entertaining the nation.

Blue Heron said...

$25 mil? Looks like those horrible people are at it again. To think that they would bitch about something so fiercely that really lies so far away from their own self interest. Not like they live next door or anything.

Anonymous said...

No, everyone that is involved is quite passionate and has persuasive arguments to support their respective interpretations of reality. Good for them, that is how the US system was designed (kinda sorta) and it will do what it does. Public issues often get flogged well past the point of interest and that is just a side effect of the overall grand design here in the US. I figured out my particular interpretation awhile back, so I am not interested in all the current fighting. About all I do is very occasionally read articles from both sides to look for failures of logic, poor representation of apparent fact and general BS. Both sides of the thing are producing respectable Bandini Mountains of BS. There is not much serious geopolitical or strategic analysis of the core issues although I will admit that I have not developed the fortitude to read serious foreign policy journals.