
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, July 31, 2015


Tom Pecore and I had lunch today at a new place, or at least new to me, Aydee's Restaurant. Aydee's is a Garnacheria, a type of Guatemalan restaurant. I have lived here for over thirty five years, we have a huge Guatemalan community but I have never eaten their food before. Mexican, Peruvian, Salvadoran, Colombian, but never this particular ethnic cuisine. That is Tom above, in the Ronda Rousey t-shirt.

Aydee's is located next to Mohammed's liquor store on Mission in Fallbrook. 110 E. Mission. The location has been frequented by so many mexican restaurants we have all lost count, mostly really bad. This is good. Not fancy, but good.

I first came into contact with their food, well, the smell of their food anyway, at a drinking with Jesus event at the brewery. I wasn't trading shots with the almighty, I was there to see Dave and Robin. I noticed that the food smelled really good. I must confess that I don't know what a Garnecheria is, can't find an online translation. Near as I can tell it is a place that serves garnachas, a guatemalan staple.

Tom isn't really a foodie, he is one of those strange characters who eats to live rather than lives to eat. Poor guy, but I guess it takes all kinds. Sort of wasted on him but he didn't grumble too much.

We showed up and I tried to figure out what was new and different. There was a lot of neat stuff to sample, different than what I am accustomed to. They had pupusas, guatemalan tamales, posole, tripe, weekend there is fresh menudo with hand made tortillas, a lot of food that sounded darn good. A sign on the wall suggested that a little religion just might wash away your sins. We didn't get that far today.

Instead we ordered a plate of garnachas, small little special crisp tostadas with meat, lettuce and cheese, a Guatemalan staple, sopes with pork, a head taco (cabeza, not the brain but the beef around the head) and the aforementioned tamales.

Aydee's is different in that it serves fresh juice and I had them mix me up a special orange and mango. Delicious. Tom had something in a can.

The food was excellent. The tamales are so different than what you are used to, served on a plantain leaf with a completely different consistency inside than probably anything you have ever encountered.

Very creamy and sticky. Phenomenal tamale, worth the price of admission right there. Can't wait to have another.

Whole meal was good and inexpensive. Next time I want to try the lomo, food from the back of the cow, and the boche, meat from the neck. They also have rodas occasionally, the tail.

The man at the next table ordered a lovely mango and papaya plate with chili powder on top. He said it was okay to take his picture. Seemed to really like the foo.

Fallbrook has a lot of Guatemalans from the village of San Pedro Soloma, many have worked for me at my ranch over the years. I will have to see where these people are from. It is a very nice and personable family. Very good people, very hard working. Place is clean and healthy. I encourage you to try their food.

1 comment:

North County Film Club said...

Have had several trips to Guatemala but never heard of any of those foods. The one I remember most is the mixto - hot dog, guacamole, sauerkraut, mustard and catsup. I wonder if they have those at our local Guatemalan restaurant. I'll have to check. I've been meaning to go there - thanks for reviewing it. Barbara and I will be sure to go now. I'll email you a pic - can't figure how to get it in the comment section.