
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

We have lift off

airborne quail
Today has had its ups and downs. Started out normal, coffee with my klatch, pack some stuff, tie up loose ends. Send off a check that I had forgot to mail. I wrote a bunch of this here blog, then a friend invited me to lunch. Here is where it gets screwy, I had forgotten he had a shrimp allergy, ordered spring rolls for an appetizer and the thai dish soon sent him to the hospital in shock with very serious symptoms. I feel horrible and partially responsible and wish him a speedy recovery!

Then I hear that my uncle is real sick and has entered hospice. I hope that he is like his kid sister and will be in hospice for years to come but who knows? Weird ass day. Hope he gets better. Uncle Norm has been a fixture around here and I treasure our relationship in some weird way. A relationship of correspondence and letters, late to mature. But better late than never.

I didn't think there was anything left to do at the shop, walked down to Primo and said goodbye to Warren and the afternoon group and drove home. Perhaps fortuitously, a kestrel dive-bombed my car near Tinker's transient headquarters. I winded my way through the river valley and visually checked the hawks nest. What's that? Only one hawk in the nest.

Another look around and I saw that the missing red tailed hawk was now perched on a branch near the road, not thirty feet away from me. Somehow the hawk had hopped, skipped and flew approximately 60' from the nest. He or she will either fly back or face a lonely night on a dead branch.

First flight or first day of flight anyway. Yippee! I was lucky I had my road rig at the ready, my old D7000 camera on me with the Nikon 18 -135mm non vibration resistant lens. Old school. It is very sharp and I have taken lots of good pictures with it so even though I didn't bring the heavy artillery things were still camera perfect since the bird was now close.

I have been watching these raptors for years. Sometimes they stick around for weeks after initial flight, last year it was merely days. I'm glad I got to see them when I could. Nice to catch this before I we both take off.


Ken Seals said...

Really great hawk shots! It's interesting how the fledglings leaving the nest coincides with high school graduation. Same process with humans.
I'm feeling fine now :-)


Anonymous said...

I walked by the hawks this morning and thought i saw only one hawk. That nest is in such a great location for viewing near the road. great photo's as usual bc

Sanoguy said...

Great shots, BH! Have a great flight yourself!

Max Hall said...

Happy Trails Blue!

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

I traveled in Asia with someone with a shrimp allergy. We had to ask in detail before every meal because even
the shrimp paste (used in everything) was a problem. She ate a lot of rice. Great photos.