
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Uncle Norm

Norm with second wife Elinor
I am back from my travels, more on them later. My Uncle Norman Roberts passed away while I was on my trip, one day after he entered hospice after a brief illness.

Uncle Norm was a long time reader of the blog and often commented on these pages. I always enjoyed his objective analysis and contribution.

Norm was a pre eminent land use attorney and legal scholar, a sometime teacher, one of the foremost authorities on eminent domain and a longtime Los Angeles City Attorney.

We weren't particularly close until later in life and I am sorry that I never made it to Davis for the meal and stay that he continually offered me. He loved his family and proudly talked about all three of his kids at every opportunity.

You wait too long on these things and then it is too late. Norm leaves his daughters Debbie and Suzie and his stepson Robert Kramer.

Robert needed information for the funeral home and sent me this email the other day, which I have distilled;
I am Bob Kramer, and Norm was my stepfather.  With his daughters Sue and Debbie I witnessed his death about 59 hours ago.
There is some family information I was unable to provide to the funeral home when asked and I hope you can help me.
Here's the email text from the establishment owner:
Hi Robert,
Attached is the proof of the death certificate.  Please review all the information and let me know if it is correct, or if I need to make any changes.
I do still need Norman's father's name and state of birth as well as Norman's mother's name, including maiden name, and state of birth.
I need this information as well the documents from your sisters by 5:00 P.M. on Sunday or additional refrigeration charges will begin to accrue beginning Monday morning at the rate of $125/day.
Thank you,Vera
Smith Funeral Home ,formerly Wiscombe Funeral Home, 116 D Street Davis, CA 95616
Pretty cold, putting him on ice and accruing refrigeration fees. I sent Bob the information. I haven't been in touch with my cousins in years, Barbara has kept in contact.

I would like to extend my heartfelt condolences to the family. Sue called me while I was traveling and her longtime shithead boss in West Palm Beach fired her when she traveled to be with her father on his deathbed. Found somebody who could work cheaper, jee, sorry about the timing. People can suck so bad.

Goodbye Uncle Norm.

Norman, Uncle Sam and Adelle Roberts

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