
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, June 1, 2015

My same old used to be

My buddy Vlad uncovered this rare gem, circa early 1990's. To give you a little history, I once played the role of successful real estate developer and contractor in life's movie. Made many millions in the late eighties and than as fate would have it, a confluence of bitter events, not the least of which was my own ineptitude, conspired to capsize my suddenly leaky ship. Not least of these was Ronald Reagan's deregulation of the savings and loans.

My bank, Home Federal was taken over in the middle of a nice subdivision I was working on. I had the highest profit ratio in the biz at the time, had just completed a 73 house project and boasted the lowest construction costs per square foot.

But try to find a new lender in that climate. To make matters worse, a nefarious bastard stole over 12 million dollars from my dad, who had operated in the past as a limited partner. Throw in an expensive divorce. I was toast.

And you get to enjoy it all today, from the comfort of your home. If you are interested buy me a beer and I will tell you the rest of the story one day.

1 comment:

Sanoguy said...

You should at least get residuals from the video!!!