
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, June 26, 2015

Buckets of Rain


Anonymous said...

Stunning chapter, Robert. Once again, I find myself saying how sorry I am for your loss. Here once again but before, just before this time, you have memorialized eloquently your parent. To lose both of them so close together is hard to imagine. The loss of my mother is thirty-four years ago last Halloween, probably the most difficult, most heart-breaking day of my life. I feel its impact still, like being hit by a train. My father, eight years later, in the same UCLA hospital, on the same floor, in the same bed. She died on the operating table from a massive heart attack. He died in the bed after waiting there til all his children were around him one last time for half an hour. Hadn't happened in fifty years. She, the gentlest soul, the kindest, he the most selfish, the most monstrous. I stayed by both of their sides and never left. Simply, I loved them both with all my heart. Past the rage; past the mysteries the answers of which were never revealed, never will be revealed now. I.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rob,

What can anybody say but - condolences? Sorry to hear the news. I'm also sorry to say I'm half expecting the same, the way things have been going lately. My Mom's 90 now and hasn't left her house in 5 years. (And the World's been a safer place for it!).

I'm glad that you have the memories you do and its has been 'entertaining' to read your stories of her and her adventures and they way they have tweaked your life over the years. Whatever else she may have been or done, she done right with you bro. Smile at all the good times, be sad about some of the others, live the right life and know you made her proud! My thoughts are with you bro.


Anonymous said...

So sorry, Robert. Once I was told that loosing a Mom is hardest and I didn't believe it. I found out the hard way I was wrong. My thoughts are with you and Leslie.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rob, sorry about your loss. Brings up strange old emotions. From the words of Martin Luther King Jr "free at last.... Free at last". Or was that Moses?
Love C

Anonymous said...

I feel for your loss. I think its more difficult when the relationship was conflicted. Sorry. For ur loss.

Anonymous said...

I’m very sorry to hear that. I know you have really mixed feelings about your mom, we all do to some extent or other. However she was still the woman who brought you into the world and gave you the life you have. It won’t change your feelings, but I went through this in 2009 and know how you feel.

You will feel better in time. Let me know if there is anything we can do to help you and Leslie to get through this.

Your friends, K & L

Anonymous said...

Just sending my love to you. Despite your mixed emotions about your mother, she was your mother and she is gone. Might bring peace?

Hugs, C

Anonymous said...


So sorry to hear you have lost your mother. She sounds flawed but she is the only mom you knew. Perhaps you can replace the pain in your rickety heart with even more love, although yours is already so full of love for your wife, your friends and your many artistic talents. What else is there to do?

Sending what little consolation I can offer,


Anonymous said...

What a conflicting and compelling post about your mom. I am touched. I hope she only sees the last line though. Will you feel guilty enough to go back?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and please explain the pic of the bird suspended in the air.

Blue Heron said...

I thought it was an odd picture that perfect summarized my feelings. Not sure if the bird is rising or falling.Just suspended.