
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Ted from Kauai sent this over the other day

Got a call from Peter that there was a thunderhead cloud of smoke from a fire near Mahaluepu, off we went to see about getting pictures.

From the distance, the smoke was really neat looking and the sun had just set, leaving lots of shadow contrast. It's reminiscent of the time when "Puu Wanwana"(to the right) erupted in the same vicinity.

Stopping along the bypass road, these coconut trees made a great foreground to frame the twin flumes of flames between the trees.

Moving on down the road, I ended up at the Grand Hyatt where the police blocked the area off, but Shipwrecks was accessible. Ricky, Nikki and I went for a bright moonlight hike on the upper cliffs and found a spot to see the intense flames from the main outburst and two other plumes inland, burning up the Haole Koa plants. Sure looked beautiful from up there with the moon lighting up the ocean and a passenger jet taking off from Lihue.

The fire was extinguished within two hours from the time I got to this vantage point. I think that the maintenance building for the Hyatt's golf course caught on fire. On first impression, it appeared that the C & J Stables was lit up, but thankfully, I could see that it was safe. It's located to the right of the fire with L.E.D. lights visible. Nikki was sleeping on top of the backpack, oblivious to her surroundings, and Ricky was just digging being out in the wild.

After it was extinguished, we headed back to the Shipwreck's Cliff where people jump down into the ocean. The smoke was just on the fringe of Poipu's hotel/condo central. It was very serene to see the shoreline from up there. Just a short treck down the slope and through the sandy beach to the car, to the comfort of the car and a relaxing drive home.

Hope you like the photos! Just another adventure on the enchanted island of Kauai :)

Aloha, Ted

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