
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Weekend in the Crown City

After a near 15 year absence I am back at the Bustamante Show at the Convention Center. Show starts tomorrow, Friday at 11 a.m. It is a pretty glitzy show, they gave me a very nice booth.

I brought a new (to me) service for eight of Georg Jensen sterling silver flatware in the Acorn pattern. It is an older set and really beautiful. I compared it to a later edition and there is a lot more detail evident, much crisper and somehow more elegant. I have great prints by Gustave Baumann, Grant Wood and Luigi Kasimir, fresh oil paintings by DeRome, Orrin White, Fries, Dzigurski, Grimm, fabulous silver and art glass. A rare spoon by Hector Aguilar. I found a wonderful oil painting by the Latvian artist Voldemars Gutmanis yesterday that I adore.

If you are in the vicinity please come on by.

Also check out these beautiful and tall viennese secessionist bronze candelabra I bought on the floor yesterday. Very striking, am trying to identify the maker.

Setup was easy, booth fit together well. Went out to eat at the Delacey St. Grill and was amazed to find that it is no longer there. Short rib jones will have to wait. Drove to Pacific Palisades today to help a friend evaluate his late mother's estate. Gorgeous day, hit the traffic just right.

Went out for brazilian barbecue tonight and hurt myself a little bit. My bad.


Anonymous said...

Do you have to carry the display case around or does the show make it available.
Yes, I am pursuing the irrelevant.

Blue Heron said...

It's a rental.